
This is my blog regarding my capstone for NMD498. Here I will post entries on research and ideas that will come to mind regarding my capstone.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Freelance: Its time to work differently

Above is a link to another interesting sire. It seems that this site allows freelancers to find jobs in related fields, which is almost the same idea that our Capstone will encapsulate.

There are a few differences in that cause it to lack the independent growth that hopefully our system will have. Unfortunatly freelance currently doesnt operate in the USA, so I couldnt view job listings within the country. I was able to view other projects from various other countries but couldnt make much sense of them since they were written in other languages. What I did get from the site however is that companies that are looking for freelancers post a job on the site. The site than contacts freelancers that have the required talents that. When a user wishes to submit contact details he can leave a listing of all the talents he has. I am guessing that the system then leaves messages to the companies that post the jobs a list of users with the required talents, which from there the company most likely contacts the freelancer for further information.

This is a cool idea for the purpose of the system, but our project will allow people to work from anywhere and post jobs from anywhere, and also allow users to search for possible clients. Another unique feature that will be built into our system, is the ability for the system to grow on its own. Currently has a group of admins that go through all job postings and select the required professionals. For our system we dont want to have to go through all the projects but rather have alisting of projects that people can search through and find the freelancer of thier choice, not the ones we pick for them.


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