O'Reiley Network(Page 1)
Below are some thoughts and notes on the article Alayna WHite sent regarding online communities.
Exist for a Reason
-Every site must exist for a reason, what benefits can each user get form the website?
-Users will persure there own goal if it isnt outlined in your plan.
-Remain positive and simple as possible.
Users Draw Other Users
-It is our job to attract users, all standard procedures apply(links, search engines, word of mouth etc).
-Hard part is making the right users stick around. Beucase your most active users will draw more users than we can.
-Monitor traffic logs, becuase it will give us growth patterns.
Users will surprise you
-Issues and themes we find important may never resonater with the users. People will latch onto and chase down ideas we never though existed.
A sense of ownership
-Generally users wil contribute more to the site than we weill. Becuase of this we must respond to thier needs and expand the system.
-Let commuinity leaders and members perform administrative work.
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