
This is my blog regarding my capstone for NMD498. Here I will post entries on research and ideas that will come to mind regarding my capstone.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

This may be a possible solution to how the station will play its music.
  • - We will begin creating a playslit each night at 11:30pm.
  • - CPU selects most requested songs
Two Choices
A) Play 411 songs a day = 24hrs * 60mins /(3 1/2 avg song length)
  1. Least selected songs play from 1:00 am to 9:00am(lowest to highest ranked)
  2. Most selected songs play from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
  3. Again least selected songs play from 5:00 pm to 1:o0am (highest to lowest ranked)
B) 137 songs played a day, day divided into 3 sections each 137 songs
  1. The day is divided up into 3 8hr intervals
  2. Each interval plays the same songlist, in different orders
  3. Between 9:00 am - 5:00 pm make a smaller playlist of 1/2 the songs, and play them twice in random orders
  • 24hrs * 60 min = 1440 minutes in a day
  • avg song = 3 1/2min
  • 1440min /3.5min = 411 songs a day
  • becuase 411 is alot of songs to play we divide the playlist into 3 sections
    • 411 songs a day / 3 sections = 137 songs a session
    • middle section will really be 2 of the same play list
      • 137 songs a session / 2 = 68.5 songs per session for middles section on avg


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